Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Conference Grants

The Association for Biology Laboratory Education has established grants to encourage attendance at our annual ABLE conference by graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, new academic faculty and staff, faculty & staff from community colleges, and applicants with a financial need. A limited number of grants are available to cover the cost of registration and/or travel expenses for the ABLE conference each year. Applicants need not be current ABLE members. Preference is given to those who have not received an ABLE conference grant in the last two years, those who are early-in-career or job, those whose attendance is most likely to impact their courses and institution, those presenting at the meeting, those with financial need, and those with institutional support. Applicants may use the application below to apply to either or both of the grants. Applications are due by March 1 each year and previous winners are listed here.

The Charlie Drewes waiver of registration grant waives the cost of registration to attend the annual ABLE conference. This award does not cover the annual membership dues, charged for attendees of the conference, nor any additional experiential learning sessions (“excursions”) or the closing banquet.

Read more about Charlie Drewes, the namesake of this award.

The Jean Heitz travel award provides up to $500 (US dollars) reimbursement for travel costs to attend the annual ABLE conference. Travel costs include transportation to the destination (airfare, train fare, mileage in private vehicle), transportation between the airport and lodging, transportation between the lodging and meeting venue, baggage charges, and lodging. Meals are not covered by these grants (but several meals are included with the conference registration).

Read more about Jean Heitz, the namesake of this award.

Contact Information

Indicate your primary academic position (mark all that apply)

Application Details

Have you ever received either the Charlie Drewes Registration Waiver or Jean Heitz Travel Grant?
(250 words or fewer)
(250 words or fewer)

Directions for chair letter: Summarize how you anticipate the applicant’s attendance at an ABLE conference will affect the teaching of labs at your institution. The financial commitment of the home institution to the applicant’s travel expenses should be described as well as the institution’s commitment to supporting the development of biology labs after the applicant’s return from the conference.

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