Association for Biology Laboratory Education

ABLE 2010 Closing Banquet

Photo of Pier 21 courtesy of Verne Equinox, Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

The closing banquet on Friday, June 25th will be held at Pier 21, Canada’s Immigration Museum. One of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s Seven Wonders of Canada, Pier 21 was the entry point into Canada for most immigrants who arrived in our country for nearly 50 years during the 20th century. Enjoy a lobster supper* in the Kenneth C. Rowe Heritage Hall overlooking the Halifax Harbour, and explore the exhibits at the Rudolph P. Bratty Exhibition Hall. Do you have family or friends who may have come to Canada through Pier 21? The Pier 21 Research Department can help you locate their records – just drop them a line or give them a call!

We’ll round out the evening in maritime kitchen-party style with live music from Skully. Dress code: come as you are!

Pier 21 is located in downtown Halifax, at one end of the harbour boardwalk. There will be transportation available for those who want to return to Dalhousie after the banquet, but if you’re up for more of Halifax’s nightlife, feel free to stick around on the waterfront – it’s a short cab ride back to Dalhousie, and not even terribly far to walk (30-45 minutes).

Tickets for the closing banquet are $75 and may be purchased upon registration. Buses will depart from Risley Hall with a stop at the Garden South Park Inn starting at around 5:30 pm (but check the updated schedule prior to the conference for confirmed times).

*other meal options available; indicate your preferences on the registration form