Association for Biology Laboratory Education

ABLE Proceedings – Volume 3

Editor: C. Leon Harris

Major Workshops

Animal Behavior Experiments Using Arthropods
Joseph R. Larsen and Danielle M. Meyer
[Abstract] [Article]

Biology for the Visually or Orthopedically Impaired
Roy Tombaugh and Dorothy Tombaugh
[Abstract] [Article]

Experiments with the Structure and Function of DNA
Doris R. Helms
[Abstract] [Article]

Hypothesis Testing in Ecology
M.E. Nicotri
[Abstract] [Article]

Inhibition of Gland Development in Insects by a Naturally Occurring Antiallatotropin “Anti-Hormone”
Dorothy Feir
[Abstract] [Article]

Organ Culture of Embryonic Chick Heart
Ruthanne B. Pitkin
[Abstract] [Article]

Plant Fossils in the Laboratory
Kisten P. Giebel
[Abstract] [Article]

Plant Tissue Culture Systems as Instructional Tools in the Biological Sciences
William S. Raifaill
[Abstract] [Article]

Sea Urchin Development
Don Igelsrud, Carolyn M. Conway, and Arthur F. Conway
[Abstract] [Article]

Techniques of Biological Close-up Photography
David T. Webb and Anne D. Webb
[Abstract] [Article]

The Basic Components of the Reproductive Strategy of the Typical Vertebrate, as Illustrated by the Guppy, Poecilia reticulata Peters
Bradley S. Bowden
[Abstract] [Article]

Two Reliable and Inexpensive Lysozyme Assays for Teaching Enzymology and Microbiology
John A. Snyder and Donald Fritsch
[Abstract] [Article]