Association for Biology Laboratory Education

ABLE Proceedings – Volume 5

Editor: Corey Goldman

Major Workshops

A Field Study of the Ant Trail Phenomenon
Dwight Moody
[Abstract] [Article]

Bacterial Transformation
Nancy J. Rosenbaum and Michael Ernest
[Abstract] [Article]

Chick Embryos in Shell-less Culture
Cynthia J. Fisher
[Abstract] [Article]

Clearing Techniques for the Study of Vascular Plant Tissues in Whole Structures and Thick Sections
J.M. Herr Jr.
[Abstract] [Article]

Extraction, Assay, and Light Activation of NADP+-3-Phosphoglyceraldehyde Dehydrogenase
William H. Outlaw Jr., Thomas P. Kraus, and Anne B. Thistle
[Abstract] [Article]

Responses to Stimuli: The Basis of Behavior
Walter B. Lener, Rosalie R. Talbert, and Kathryn Stanley Podwall
[Abstract] [Article]

Sensory Perception and Communication in Electric Fish
Patricia J. DeCoursey
[Abstract] [Article]

The Use of the Biotic Index as an Indication of Water Quality
Melvin Zimmerman
[Abstract] [Article]