Association for Biology Laboratory Education

ABLE 2020 Mini Workshops

Mini workshops are offered as 90-minute Extended Mini format or traditional 45-minute sessions. Mini workshops are an opportunity to present novel approaches to teaching in biology labs. They may be presented as a hands-on wet-lab activity (preferred), demonstration, computer laboratory, or discussion. All will include attendee participation. Some 45-minute workshops may be offered twice throughout the day. Propose your mini workshop by December 31, 2019.

Conference attendees sign up, outside of the conference registration headquarters during the conference, to attend specific workshops. Early sign-up is encouraged, as space is limited and sessions do fill up.

Due to cancellation of ABLE 2020 (19 March 2020), Mini Workshops have been cancelled as well. We will defer acceptance of mini workshops to next year’s conference provided that A) you re-submit your proposal at by the deadline (November 30, 2020), and B) next year’s host has the facilities and resources to support your mini workshop.  Again, a sincere thanks to all those that took the time to write and submit proposals.