Association for Biology Laboratory Education

ABLE Proceedings – Volume 9

Editor: R.W. Peifer

Major Workshops

A Handbook for Collecting Releve Data in Minnesota
John C. Almendinger
[Abstract] [Article]

A Laboratory Introduction to DNA Restriction Analysis
Greg A. Freyer and David A. Micklos
[Abstract] [Article]

Community Ordination Utilizing Winter Stoneflies
Vinnedge M. Lawrence
[Abstract] [Article]

Ideas to stimulate the non-major biology student: Understanding human energy requirements – A laboratory exercise
Roberta Williams
[Abstract] [Article]

Laboratory Safety Principles
Ray Arnston, Keith Carlson, Jim Laver, and Jerry Staiger
[Abstract] [Article]

Methods to Process and Identify Symbiotic Fungi in the Roots of Vascular Plants
Iris Charvat
[Abstract] [Article]

Plant Growth Responses to a Nitrogen Gradient
Mary Lynn Cowan
[Abstract] [Article]

Resource Partitioning in Potentially Competing Insect Taxa
John A. Haarstad
[Abstract] [Article]

Supercooling and Freezing in Winter Dormant Animals
William D. Schmid
[Abstract] [Article]

Teaching Botany through Inquiry
Gordon E. Uno
[Abstract] [Article]

The Electroetinogram of the Horseshoe Crab, Limulus polyphemus: A Laboratory Exercise in Sensory Physiology
Wesley W. Ebert, Robert A. Linsenmeier, and Charles M. Yancey
[Abstract] [Article]

The Use of Echosounding Equipment in Limnology and Ecology Classes
Peter Vaughan
[Abstract] [Article]

The Use of Yeast for Teaching Microbiological Techniques and Principles
Robert J. Doyle
[Abstract Not Available] [Article Not Available]

Tracheid Length Measurement in Selected Conifer Species
W.J. Mullin, K.G. Tidswell, and J. Tidswell
[Abstract] [Article]

Use of the Rabbit Intestine in Smooth Muscle Pharmacology Experiments: A New Approach
Richard L. Walker and Charles C. Scott
[Abstract] [Article]